Natural Urges
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What is a natural urge?
A natural urge is an impulse the body generates in order to maintain its normal functions. It is basically a need of the body. It may be in the form of demanding an input or expression of desire for an outlet.
Which are the natural urges of our body?
The following are the body’s natural urges:
- Passing gas
- Defecation or moving a bowel
- Urination
- Burping
- Sneezing
- Thirst
- Hunger
- Sleep
- Coughing
- Heavy breathing or panting after exertion
- Yawning
- Crying
- Vomiting
- Ejaculation of semen
What does Ayurved say about these natural urges?
Ayurved advises that these urges should be given utmost importance and be attended to immediately. Forcefully holding or giving external resistance to this is a sure way to ill health.
A block in the normal flow of these outputs forces the body to store these waste products in alternative pathways within the body, causing disease. E.g., skin diseases emerge when acidity (that the body tries to throw out through vomit) is chronically suppressed either voluntarily or by using medicines like antacids and anti-emetics.
Equally harmful is the practice of pushing urges not yet present. The body’s intelligence decides the timing of these impulses, and those should be respected for good health.
What are the benefits of allowing natural urges on time?
Regular motions, urine, food, and sleep are fundamental to good health. Following these urges helps:
- Maintain Agni
- Prevent accumulation of wastes or toxins
- Balance the doshas
Thus, imparting strong immunity and facilitates the prevention of diseases.
If you are looking for an ayurvedic doctor in Navi Mumbai or you need an ayurvedic expert in Mumbai, you can contact us.