Diet, Lifestyle, Medicines, Delivery
Undoubtedly one of the best times in a woman’s life., pregnancy also marks the beginning of a very responsible period in life. Correct health care and decisions regarding diet and lifestyle are crucial during this period.
What should be the ideal diet during pregnancy?
- “Gaining nutrition while avoiding indigestion” should be your motto
- Eating at appropriate times, in appropriate quantities, and the right selection of food items, go a long way in determining the future health of the mother as well as the baby
- Diet plans should always be tailored as per the need of the individual. This is even more significant when talking about nutrition during pregnancy. A general pregnancy diet chart cannot benefit all pregnant women.
- Ideally, you should be in touch with a qualified ayurvedic doctor during the entire duration of pregnancy to know about the monthly changes in diet as per the growing needs and the body’s ability to adjust
- The need for various supplements reduces drastically if a proper balanced individualized diet is followed
During pregnancy, what should the daily routine and lifestyle be like?
The moment you decide to have a baby, you must bear in mind that a whole lot of lifestyle changes are on its way. What all you do, think, listen, watch, experience, everything leaves its imprint on the developing child.
Guidance regarding ideal sleep, activity, exercise, yoga, pranayama, and meditation is essential. Pregnancy is the time for a lot of mood swings. However, following an ayurvedic lifestyle helps your body adjust to the changing inner rhythms rather easily.
What are the Ayurvedic medicines for pregnancy?
Even though they are called medicines, the pregnancy care we provide is basically supportive and nutritive to facilitate balanced intrauterine growth of your baby.
- These medicines ensure optimum growth
- They strengthen the mother’s body to meet the demands of a growing child, the energy requirements of delivery and then breastfeeding
- They minimise the possibility of a miscarriage and other such complications. Also, health issues in the mother like gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, urine infection, etc.
- Prepare the body for a normal delivery
What are the Ayurvedic measures to facilitate a normal delivery?
A normal delivery should ideally be called a ‘natural delivery’. It is natural and should not be as complicated as it had become today.
Following the prescribed diet, lifestyle, and medicines throughout the pregnancy, along with suitable panchakarma towards the end, prepares the body as well as the mind for a natural birth.
By the 8th month, we start preparing the passage by Yoni Pichu Dharan treatment and Basti during the last 2 weeks. In most cases, natural labour pains start spontaneously, and then delivery follows smoothly. Unless there are direct indications for a caesarean section, every woman should be delivering naturally.
On-call support
This is the time when ‘n’ number of questions and doubts cloud your mind, especially for first-time mothers. We are available to provide professional answers to your queries and settle your minds throughout the duration.
Giving birth is a normal and natural process. A process that can be simplified with natural ayurvedic principles and learnings and followed. With some care and foresight, one can create the ideal physical and psychological environment for the mother to nurture and the unborn child to flourish.
At Ayurvedic Answers, we truly have all the answers that a pregnant mother (couple) might have. We offer you all the medicines, support, and counselling you will need across the 9 months.
To know more, talk to a female ayurvedic gynaecologist at Navi Mumbai or book an appointment with a lady ayurvedic infertility specialist in Mumbai.