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The importance of diligent care of the mother in the period after childbirth (postpartum) is well known in Indian societies.
Why is post-pregnancy care important?
The mother’s body has been through a pretty BIG change in a small amount of time. Providing space and nourishment to another life within herself, and then emptying up that space suddenly through delivery is quite a task.
This is a time when, if the right things are done, good future health is guaranteed. In addition, chronic imbalances in the mother can be washed out easily at this time. On the other hand, carelessness can surely pave the way for future health problems. It is also important to return to pre-pregnancy weight and to facilitate optimum breastfeeding.
What forms good post-pregnancy care?
1. Diet:
- Individualised post-pregnancy diet as per the woman’s digestive capacity. Modifications in traditional diets as per the season and the particular patient is very important.
- A diet that favours uterine clearing and helps the uterus and birth passage regain its tone
2. Diet for healthy milk secretionDaily routine advice for all of the above
3. Special therapies like snehan, swedan, yoni dhupan karm
When your body has gone through such a major phase, following proven ayurvedic principles and procedures can help a mother quickly regain the physical as well as the mental state.
Get off to the right start by scheduling a postpartum counselling with an ayurvedic expert in Navi Mumbai. You can also book an appointment with a lady ayurvedic expert in Mumbai, just contact us.