Female infertility
Ayurved states that all that there is in nature is present within the human body too. Humans are no different from the creation that surrounds us. Conception and pregnancy are very good examples to prove this point.
Which factors are important for fertility in the female body?
Just as a good seed, suitable land, water, and favourable season or atmosphere are essential for the germination and growth of a plant, the same factors important for the conception of a human baby.
What do these factors stand for?
- Seed – Stands for the male and female gamete. We have discussed the male gamete or sperm in male infertility. Female gamete or the ovum is the female egg produced by the ovaries. One egg matures every month, normally. This egg is transported by the fallopian tubes from the ovary to the uterus. Thus, healthy functioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes and quality of the ovum are all considered in matters of fertility.
- Land – Implies the uterus as a whole and the endometrial layer to be precise. Also, the external genitalia, vulva, and vagina are considered as these are the passages through which the sperms reach the ovum.
- Water – This is the nutrition obtained from the mother’s body. It considered the blood flow to the uterus, the mother’s diet and lifestyle, mental and emotional state, and digestion.
- Season – This means the fertile days in a cycle when the egg is available for conception.
According to ayurvedic infertility specialists, what are the causes of female infertility?
Abnormalities of the above mentioned four factors lead to infertility.
- Seed:
- Absence of a normal egg or anovulation
- Too small or immature ovum
- Ovum contaminated by vitiated or aggravated doshas
- Blocked fallopian tubes
- Hydrosalpinx
- Land:
- Structural abnormalities of the uterus
- Smaller than normal uterus
- Retroverted uterus
- Endometrial layer not optimum
- Fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Vaginismus
- Vaginal infections
- Abnormal discharges from vagina
- Cervical erosions or infections
- Water:
- Ras and rakt dhatus of the mother
- Her digestion
- Diet and lifestyle
- Emotional factors
- Season:
- Irregular cycles
- Too short cycles
- Delayed cycles
- Intercourse during the wrong period of the cycle
How is the cause of female infertility diagnosed by Ayurved?
Here comes into play, a very significant and exclusive type of examination done in Ayurved alone.
- Raj parikshan: Infertility specialists examine the menstrual flow. Looking at this clearly, points to the cause of infertility in most cases. Its colour, texture, quantity, presence, or absence of clots, etc., is assessed.
Associated complaints like pain, burning, heaviness, nausea, etc., are also indicative of the underlying problem.
While physical examination, sonographies, and blood tests are important, there are certain factors that cannot be determined from these usual procedures. Here, ayurvedic raj parikshan comes to the infertility specialist’s aid.
What is the Ayurvedic treatment for female infertility?
Like any complain, an infertility specialist begins by identifying the cause. This includes the treatment of the entire body as the ovum is the last dhatu to be formed after digestion of the food we consume.
Local treatments like Yoni Dhavan, Pichu Dharan, Yoni Dhupan are unique and play a very important role in correcting internal issues without surgical handling of the delicate reproductive organs.
Uttar basti is the treatment of choice in cases of tubal blocks. Medicines correct the metabolic causes or imbalance of doshas, and counselling plays an extremely important part in these cases. Advice about the timing and days of intercourse, as well as for emotional imbalances is crucial for the success of ayurvedic infertility treatment.
Encouraging facts
Across tens of cases, we have experienced that results of ayurvedic infertility treatments are positive and permanent. Our infertility specialists, we have couples overcome infertility and conceive naturally.
Ayurvedic infertility treatments are based on a holistic, systematic, and customized approach.
Before you consider an IVP, meet an ayurvedic female infertility expert in Navi Mumbai. You can also book an appointment with a lady ayurvedic infertility specialist in Mumbai, just contact us.