Body Constitution

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What is body constitution as per ayurvedic doctors?

As per ayurvedic principles, your body constitution or prakruti is your nature. It is what you are made up of. It is your basic state at birth.

What is the body constitution or prakruti made of?

Your constitution is determined by the ratio of the three basic energies (tridosh) at birth.It is your unique energy pattern. It is your physical structure, mental makeup, and emotional characteristics.

All individuals have all three of the basic energies of Vat, Pit and Kaf. It is the ratio or proportions of each of these that determine body constitution. Ayurvedic doctors study these factors closely.

Which factors play a role in the making of one’s constitution?

Prakruti or body constitution is a manifestation of several factors coming together, forming a new individual. Major factors governing it are:

  • Body constitution of the parents
  • Genetics
  • Diet and lifestyle of the parents at and around the time of conception
  • Emotions of the parents
  • Season or the environment at the place of conception.

How many types of body constitutions can we identify?

As per Ayurveda, there are 7 major body constitutions formed by the combinations of the tridosh

  1. Vat prakruti
  2. Pit prakruti
  3. Kaf prakruti
  4. Vat-Pit prakruti
  5. Vat-Kaf prakruti
  6. Pit-Kaf prakruti
  7. Vat-Pit-Kaf prakruti

Clinically, a vaidya or Ayurvedic doctor can identify the minor differences in body constitution that occur due to the presence of specific qualities of each of the tridosh. This leads to innumerable types of constitutions and accounts for the variety we encounter in people on a day to day basis. No two individuals are completely alike.

Can our body constitution be changed?

No. Once formed, the body constitution remains the same throughout your life.

Why is it important to know your body constitution?

No rocket science here! To be the best version of ourselves, we first need to know what we are.It is the first step towards the achievement and maintenance of good health. Healthy food and lifestyle choices completely depend on your body constitution arrived as per Ayurveda. What is “healthy” for one person may not be so for another.

To be able to achieve our maximum potential in all spheres of life, we need to select a field of work with natural inclination and aptitude towards it. This is possible after knowing one’s constitution. Selection of vocation is closely related to finding our life purpose. To be able to easily accept ourselves and others with our unique differences.

How to determine your body constitution?

Consulting an Ayurvedic doctor is the best way. The doctor can determine your constitution by talking to and examining you. Various books on the topic provide you with a questionnaire, that can help you find out with fairly good accuracy, your body constitution.

Yet, there is no replacement for a vaidya’s minute observations and naadi parikshan. If you are looking for an ayurvedic doctor in Navi Mumbai or you need an ayurvedic expert in Mumbai, you can contact us.

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