Menstrual Difficulties
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Menstrual difficulties
Ideally, a menstrual period should be uneventful. Any trouble that happens every cycle should be looked into at the earliest. Some complaints are strong and easy to identify while some are subtle, and you may not know you have a problem until a bigger condition is detected. Read Normal and Abnormal Menstruation to find out whether your cycle is normal.
Common complaints that need correction are:
- Irregular cycles
- Period that comes too soon
- Period that comes too late
- Flow that is too less
- Flow that is too much
- Flow that starts and stops and reappears again
- Spotting
- Having white coloured discharge during a period
- Painful, heavy bleeding
- Painful, scanty bleeding
- Fever during or before periods
- Vomiting/ headaches/ weakness around periods
Ayurvedic treatments have the potential to offer effective and permanent solutions for menstrual complaints. We can help you resolve all types of major or minor menstrual complaints.
If you are looking for a lady ayurvedic doctor in Navi Mumbai, or if you need to consult a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, you can contact us.