White Discharge, Vaginal Infections
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First, let us look at what is normal
Slight vaginal discharge, which is inoffensive in its smell, does not cause any irritation or itching is natural. This may be of lesser consistency and little more during the middle of your menstrual cycle and is thicker during the last week prior to periods. This amount of discharge is no cause for worry and is necessary to maintain the natural moistness of the vagina.
What is leukorrhea?
Any discharge from the vagina that varies from the above-mentioned description is called leukorrhea. Its amount may cause constant wetness on innerwear. It may have a bad odour, can cause itching, burning, or irritation and pain in the private parts. At times, it may be severe enough to make even slight touch painful. The colour may be white, yellow, curdy, brownish, greenish, etc. Sometimes, there may be small boils along with the discharge. Lower backaches and tiredness are commonly associated with this condition.
What causes leukorrhea?
There are a lot of causes for leukorrhea and finding out the right cause is extremely important before treating it. Simply calling it an infection and popping antibiotics is not going to solve the problem permanently.
Here are a few common causes:
- Weakness of the body in general
- Tiredness
- Intestinal imbalance or indigestion
- Constipation
- Unclear menses
- Reduced urine output
- Use of contraception, including pills as well as barrier methods like condoms and diaphragm, copper T, etc.
- Recurrent use of antibiotics
- Menopause
- Frequent abortions
- Lack of proper hygiene
- Synthetic innerwear
- Use of cosmetic products
- Polyps
- Improper diet
- Emotional factors
Why is treatment very important?
Apart from the obvious fact of the suffering caused by the discharge, it is more important to treat at the earliest to prevent further damage, i.e., to stop the dosha from going deeper.
Sometimes chronic abnormal discharge is the only cause of infertility. It needs to be diagnosed in terms of the causative dosh, and appropriate treatment is a must.
In the long run, just a discharge can lead to extreme weakness in the body and, consequently, low immunity and then its associated problems.
What is the ideal Ayurvedic treatment?
First and foremost comes the diagnosis and pointing out of the cause. There cannot be a fixed tablet for treating white discharge. Here are the general interventions:
- Correction of digestion is generally needed in most patients
- If menses are not normal, that too needs to be corrected
- Correction of diet and lifestyle
- Along with internal medication, local treatment is important too. This includes Yoni dhavan (vaginal wash) with medicated water, Yoni dhupan, Pichu dharan and Basti
- Ayurveda has the right treatments for treating leukorrhea and all types of vaginal infections. If you are experiencing any such condition, get an expert ayurvedic doctor to examine you.
If you are looking for a lady ayurvedic doctor in Navi Mumbai, or if you need to consult a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, you can contact us.