The power of sleep: Benefits of sleeping at the right time
The power of sleep: Benefits of sleeping at the right time

The power of sleep: Benefits of sleeping at the right time

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Before knowing the right time to sleep, let us first know the importance of sleep and why we need sleep. In the process of life, we all need rest and recovery.

As Ayurveda says, ‘yada tu manasi klante‘ meaning when the body and mind get exhausted and tired due to day-long activity resulting in spontaneous detachment or dissociation of the senses or sense organs from their respective objects; it leads to a state known as “Sleep.”

The ideal time to go to sleep

As Dr. Hiral Bhatt describes, Sleep is an important part of life because it lets our body rest while using the energy we generate during the day. Good sleep is essential for a productive day. And the key to it is to have enough sleep. Thus, the ideal time to go to sleep should be somewhere between 10 pm to 11 pm. It gives you around 2 to 3 hours after your dinner and enough sleep to wake up early in the morning.

Effects of sleep

According to the studies and research done by the Ayurvedic clinic in Navi Mumbai, it is found that a good night’s sleep can reduce our stress levels and also increase our immune system and blood circulation. As far as our physical health is concerned, not getting enough sleep can lead to more health problems like weight gain, heart disease, Thyroid, and even Diabetes.

There are many connections between sleep, and the study showed that people who go through insomnia are likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Research also shows how bad sleeping habits can cause weight gain or obesity. Thus, sleeping well is necessary to controlling your weight as well as keeping your metabolism functioning efficiently throughout the day.

Can we compensate for sleeping later by waking up later

The period between 10 pm to 2 am is when the Pitt dosh in our body naturally rises and needs to be balanced by sleep. These are the most vital hours for our body and mind. So missing a schedule during this time can lead to imbalance, tiredness, and chronic exhaustion. The more we wake up later rather than earlier, the more it will leave us exhausted in an unbalanced way.

Sleep deprivation brings on many serious health issues. The truth is that our sleeping habit determines what time of day we wake up, be it early or late. A lack of proper sleep will increase brain fog, fatigue, and poor gut function.


Sleep is one of the important balancing forces that maintain this equilibrium, which is vital for a healthy body. Sleep is not just a state of unconsciousness but also involves memory consolidation and learning, rejuvenation of cells and tissues, and even growth and development.

So, now we know sleep affects us and helps our mental well-being, freshens us up for the day ahead, and makes us happy. Besides, proper sleep also works as a tool for managing stress and anxiety disorder. To solve your sleep related problems, get in touch with the Ayurvedic clinic in Navi Mumbai.

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